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It's Time to eat the Elephant

It's Time to eat the Elephant

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Home Raiders

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 7
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Home RaidersHome Raiders

Home Raiders is a skirmish style game by Vesper-On Games (actually I’m not sure if it’s still available).  I thought the entire context of the game was excellent and I was attracted to the idea of 1:1 figures (i.e. they are the actual size of the participants), coming from a parallel dimension into our space and the war-game table is whatever your table/ room looks like NOW, with all the usual household detritus forming the terrain/obstacles and objectives.

A game in which these “life sized” models can actually move that half eaten box of biscuits just appealed to me.  But obviously not appealing enough to actually paint the models!

But that’s now changed. This will be my first few mouthfuls of my elephant.

16 16 "Life sized" models

Each of the models are unique, so no duplicates, and there are 6 New Lilliputians (think Gulliver’s Travels); 9 Gremlins in the basic set, and a special (Kickstarter) model of a Pirate elephant – which seemed quite appropriate for my first outing!

I will paint the models as close to the artwork on the cards (to save me having to think too much!) and hopefully will complete them in the next few days /week.

I’m not the world’s greatest artist, but will try to remember to take lots of pictures and detail which paints I use.  These will primarily be either Vallejo or GW as these are the ones I have more of.

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