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PanzerKaput's Slow Descent Into Madness and The Age Of Sigmar Spearhead

PanzerKaput's Slow Descent Into Madness and The Age Of Sigmar Spearhead

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NightHaunts, The Second Unit, the Grimgast Reapers, Well Actually Not

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NightHaunts, The Second Unit, the Grimgast Reapers, Well Actually Not

The next unit in line is a unit of 5 Grimgast Reapers, well I thought they where, it actually turned out that it was 3 Grimgast Reapers, 1 unknown command with a bell and 1 Cairn Wraith.

They was a problem as I thought I will proxy them in as Grimgasts anyway but then found out I have ten Grimgast reapers anyway, so a bonus unit for me. I really should of checked before painting them though, lol, and it meant I had some practice painting the ghostly effects.

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Cult of Games Member

the unknown command with a bell , goes with the Grimgast Reapers. its the units musician

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