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2024 Painting Log

2024 Painting Log

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A few stragglers and some scatter, part 2

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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A few stragglers and some scatter, part 2

Although it plays on a printed board and doesn’t generally use terrain, Mythic Battles does have a few characters who can pick up trees and throw them or smack their enemies with them, so the game comes with some scatter that needed to be painted. The rocks interfere with ranged attacks, so I suppose the 3D pieces are just there as a reminder.

A few stragglers and some scatter, part 2

I recently received this miniature of Skadi as a damage replacement. Since the color scheme looked fairly simple, I thought I might as well go ahead and get it painted before putting it in the box. One less thing to worry about later.

A few stragglers and some scatter, part 2

2024 models painted so far: 135, for 5 different games
2024 pieces of scatter terrain painted so far: 36 (but are we seriously keeping track?)

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