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2024 Painting Log

2024 Painting Log

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A few stragglers and some scatter, part 1

Tutoring 0
Skill 1
Idea 1
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A few stragglers and some scatter, part 1

The new edition of Gangs of Rome has rules for throwing roof tiles, amphora (clay jars), and sacks of grain, and a terrific set of accompanying scatter terrain. They’ve also got Talavus, a non-player character who will cheerfully throw bricks at passing gang fighters if they get too close to him.

A few stragglers and some scatter, part 1

This pack mule is part of Warlord’s Hail Caesar range. I don’t play that game and I’m not likely to get into it, but I was trying to get to the threshold for free shipping and thought this figure might be useful for Gangs of Rome. It’s generic enough that it wouldn’t look out of place in a wild west game, or a medieval fantasy setting. Anything that uses mules to carry stuff, really.

A few stragglers and some scatter, part 1

2024 models painted so far: 134, for 5 different games
2024 pieces of scatter terrain painted so far: 18

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