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Godtear Ascended Pledge Painting by Lawnor

Godtear Ascended Pledge Painting by Lawnor

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Maxen, the Artificer & Gearhawks

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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We went to our first tournament a few weeks ago.  I’ve done events for Warmachine and Guildball in the past.  This felt more relaxed.  It was a fun day for everyone.  No one took anything too seriously.  No game ever felt rushed, and I never felt like my force was countered by my opponents at list building time.  Every round felt like it was a good, balanced game that I was in with a real chance of winning.  We’re booked in for another in September.  if you’ve ever been tempted to play, or to attend an event I highly recommend it.  events can be found HERE.


I painted 2 copies.  One for me, one for a friend (the 7 year old’s dad).  They have different basing schemes, and I painted the Gearhawk eyes differently.

This leaves just 3 more warbands left to buy and paint (Jaak, Lilly, and Fenrir.  Donations and links to bargains gratefully accepted) and I’ve finished the entire range.  There’s a 4th being teased right now.

Maxen, the Artificer & Gearhawks
Maxen, the Artificer & Gearhawks
Maxen, the Artificer & Gearhawks

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