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The Final Push - Lawnor approaches 100% painted

The Final Push - Lawnor approaches 100% painted

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91MTG: Skullbreaker, Luella, and Maxxen for Godtear

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 5

Models remaining:
: 0, Normal: 10, Luxury: 24, Modular: 56, Bits Box: 3, Terrain sets: 13, To Ship: ATO Wave 2, TSoH, KDM
Models Finished in Collection: 3034 Models since start of project: 720 out of 63 completed and still not done!

I’ve not updated in a few weeks, but I’ve made good progress in that time.  I’ve also found a few good bargains online so I’ve added to my backlog again too.

To start with, I’ve painted 6 Godtear warbands.  3 boxes, twice.  One copy of each is for friends I play against and don’t paint.  I was already painting mine so doing their at the same time barely slowed me down at all, so why not?  It’ll make my games prettier and will make them happy.  I painted the bases different for my friends copies, and tried to pick out another detail too, that wouldn’t add work.


First up, Skullbreaker The Dragon Slayer, and Tooth bearers

Luella, The Raging Storm & Shield Maidens

Maxen, the Artificer & Gearhawks

That’s 18 models done.  But then there’s the purchases.  They just released some new content for Aeon Trespass and I picked up the 5 new Titans.  They’ll work in both ATO and Sins of Herakles so I’ll get use out of them.  I also picked up Pinups of Death 5 from ebay.  I don’t really want or need most of the PoD models, but they are pretty and it was very cheap and no one else bid.  That’s 11 more luxury models.

None of this has arrived yet, and I’m making progress on the final 5 “Normal” models in the house so it’s time to look at the “Luxury” category and admit it’s really 2 grades of models.  There’s the bust level stuff which is real high end luxury stuff, and then there’s the 30mm-ish stuff that’s just there to paint for fun but probably won’t get the bust level of attention.  Lets split that category in two then: “30mm painters pieces” and “Luxury”

That brings my totals to this:


Models remaining:
: 0, Normal: 10, 30mm Painters Pieces: 15 Luxury: 10, Modular: 56, Bits Box: 3, Terrain sets: 13, To Ship: ATO Wave 2, TSoH, KDM
Models Finished in Collection: 3034 Models since start of project: 720 out of 63 completed and still not done!

Wave 2 of Aeon Trespass is due in September so I’m gonna finish up my Normals and move on to the 30mmPPs.  I don’t want to start anything big or demanding when I’m going to want to drop everything for that.  I’m also hoping to embrace playing Kingdom Death once my final unit is done and I’m “up to date”

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