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Denziens Eagles of Empire

Denziens Eagles of Empire

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Tutoring 4
Skill 7
Idea 7
I made my own bases by making some discs the appropriate sizes in sketchup and 3D printing them. The units contain 7 infantry on multiple bases of groups of 3. When you loose a health you rdmivexa whole base. I've never really multi based before but they look good I made my own bases by making some discs the appropriate sizes in sketchup and 3D printing them. The units contain 7 infantry on multiple bases of groups of 3. When you loose a health you rdmivexa whole base. I've never really multi based before but they look good

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denzienlonkelo Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Very cool project! What scale are the minis you’re rebasing? Are you just basing smaller miniatures on ‘regular’ bases because you like a larger feel to the game? Or do the rules actually call upon you to multibase?

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