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Bob's Black Bulls 11th Armoured Division.

Bob's Black Bulls 11th Armoured Division.

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Final thought on 1st Game

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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As a solo game this tank light version of Flames of War worked well, it reminded me not only of the rule mechanics but was reminiscent of some of the earliest micro tank games I played back in middle 70’s using old WRG rules.

The various random mission layout and mission  rules give a wide range of random scenarios for a table that can be left with same basic layout, it’s certainly an idea we will adapt for other games.

Now as for the Forces, the Soviets have 2 things going for them, numbers and mobility, that’s it, their heavy tanks are not as good as look on paper ( historically correct) being out ranged and having insufficient armour against the best guns of opposition.  To be fair it was shear bad luck and lousy dice that kept their best unit out of most of the Game  stuck in a fog, but they still managed victory pts .

Think T54’s are the way forward.

I’d watched a few lets plays by various groups and it became obvious that the big Heavy tanks were costly,  slow firing,  and despite good armour and guns just didn’t have enough shots to kill the Soviet waves, which is why I went for lots of Pershing’s,  which worked (just) have a feeling my British Force will be pretty much Centurions and Comets!

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