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Bob's Black Bulls 11th Armoured Division.

Bob's Black Bulls 11th Armoured Division.

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Moves 5 & 6 it's all over.

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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With only 2 units left and the Command could the Soviets hold their pts lead till the end of move 7.

1st dice of move 5 was a blue, not going  against the  trend of game for the side  least units draws 1st.

The Americans played a Tactics card swapping the objective rules, so the fog moved from objective 2 to 3, leaving the SU130’s in sight of everything, 2st the 2 Super Pershing’s stopped and poured 3 out of 4 shots into the unit easily dispatching 3 despite having cover ( it was below 16″ so only needed a 4 ) with for once managing FP roles as no armour save possible)

Next another Blue, so having dispatched the 3 SU 130s on the far right, the M36s move 2 into site and 2 stayed stationary to pour 6 shots into the survivors, 4 hits , and 2 shots failed to bounce, one would have survived the FP check but another Tactical card was played and it went on the roll.

Pts Sov 21 U.S 15

Moves 5 & 6 it's all over.
Moves 5 & 6 it's all over.

A red dice next , so the IS3′ opened fire on the Remaining Pershing easily killing it to pull back 3pts and hold their lead

Soviets 24 U.S 15

Moves 5 & 6 it's all over.

With only Soviet Command to activate,  the U.S used their next dice to secure objective 2  (or so they thought) which would be the pointable objective as of next turn.

Then another Blue, so the Assault Pershing’s moved of the hill to close on either the JS3’s or the  Command T44. Pointless to try shooting as the J3’s armour matched their AP .

Another Blue, so the Easy 8′ activated, 32 moving forward and 2 staying stationary to fire at the rear of the JS3’S whose side armour was exposed, checking the rules only the 2 stationary could do it, and 4 shots hit home, the armour roles shrugged of 2 but 2 went in and the FP test was easily passed as the Easy 8 is on 2+.

Only the command dice, were left, the U S could have little effect but the Soviets moved theirs to objective 3 to steal its last 3 pts, it fired on one of the Easy Eights but the tank managed amazing armour saves and the Soviets lousy FP tests.

As the U.S used a dash move with their Hellcats to get to objective 2 they couldn’t score pts for that turn,

End of 5

Soviet 27  U.S. 15

Move 6

Now the Soviet’s have only 2 dice in the bag and U.S 6

The almost by now standard U.S dice came out, and the 2 closest Easy Eights moved to secure side shots, so on only 3’s at pt blank, hit, the Soviet failed it armour save and on 2+ were easily dispatched on 2+.

The other 2 despite being out of Command fired their 4vshots at the side of the final JS2, despite now being on 5’s (3+ +1 for over 16″ and +1 for out of Command, managing 2 5’s and despite one armour save passed the 2+ firepower dispatched that for 3pt for another unit

Soviet 27 U.S 18

An inevitable 2nd Blue Dice was drawn, and the Assualt Pershings move within 12″ of The Soviet Command to pour Accuarate fire easily dispatching it from the Side.

Another Unit and Sovit force destroyed.

So pts now

Soviet 27, U.S. 21 ptsWith no Soviet Units left, this left the U.S forces holding the only portable objective for this and turn 7 for total odds 6 pts

so ending

Soviet 27, U.S 27 a draw in ptsthough a moral victory as they held the field , for the loss of only 5 tanks.







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