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Bob's Black Bulls 11th Armoured Division.

Bob's Black Bulls 11th Armoured Division.

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Move 4 not holding the line!!!!

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Well no objectives to reveal, but the final U.S. reinforcement arrived, and the dice put them in the middle of table.


1st dice for once was red (funny how that each time the side with the least dice get theirs drawn 1st ) so in a vain attempt to save the unit, the T34’s were activated, 1st they managed to successfully get the bail outs back in, They then again shot at the Easy Eights but only managed a bail out .

Then it was a Blue, so the Assault Pershing’s fire again in an attempt to wipe out the T44,s this time they manager to destroy all but one, who again successfully succeeded the last man role.

Another Blue, , the Americans played a tactical card to pull one card from the discard pile, and chose the +2 to pen card, and fired on the remaining T44 and double dispatched it for another 3 pts !

Red, not expecting them to last long the JS3’s fired again at the Pershing’s and managed to knock out another, but the Americans successfully passed the last stand so no 3 pts!

Then a Blue, so in what was a bold and nearly fatal move, a tactical card was played to add 6″ to a cross country dash , the Super Pershing’s raced across the table in an attempt to close on Objective 2, but fell short.

This left their side armour vulnerable, which the one the next red, the Soviets moved 2 of their surviving T34’s to face , joining with the two already facing that way to pour 6 shots into the exposed sides scoring 4 hits, , but by fluky dice luck on armour saves, managed to 1st match the penetration on 2 of the hits , lousy fp checks meant they bounced the shots for only one tank destroyed,

This though did put all the T34’s in a position that it was possible for the M36’s  who the moved on next blue with a tactical move to get a shot at them, and they managed 3 out of 4 shots (I know were the coonskin caps are) which easily penetrated and for once all got successful fp tests .. The last stand was successfully rolled by the crew, unfortunately he was forced to bail when the American command dice was rolled and the commander moved into a position to finish him off,

so another 3 pts to the Americans, plus it removed the Soviets from objective 1.

The final red dice was revealed and the ISU30’s attempted to reform, 2 made it and the 3rd skirted the hill to join his companions in the fog.

The Soviet command dice was drawn and it managed to bail another easy 8.

This just  left the blue for the Newly arrived Hellcats , who raced towards objective 1 only to find the Soviets removing it by playing a tactical card!.

So at the end the Soviets were reduce to 3 victory pts for objective 2.

so Soviets 21 Americans 12 !



Move 4 not holding the line!!!!
Move 4 not holding the line!!!!
Move 4 not holding the line!!!!

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