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2024 Painting Log

2024 Painting Log

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What have they been feeding that wolf?

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Skill 1
Idea 1
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What have they been feeding that wolf?

I’ve finished up the current queue of Mythic Battles: Ragnarök figures, meaning that I now have enough painted miniatures to play the next two scenarios in the game. I’ve got some trees and stone slabs mostly done (just waiting for varnish), but after that I’ll be taking a short break from the frozen north to catch up on Star Wars Shatterpoint.

What have they been feeding that wolf?

Most of these were done with the same method I’ve been using all along, black primer and lots of drybrushing. Fenrir took no time at all (I even painted his alternate head). Thor and the Ulfhednar were a little more involved but still relatively straightforward. The source lighting on Thor was done to match the card artwork.

What have they been feeding that wolf?

I tried a different approach for the Seers. I’ve been playing around with Speedpaints but so far only over black primer/drybrushed (still not calling it Slap Chop, seriously, it’s a kitchen gadget). This time I thought I’d try the Speedpaints as they’re meant to be used, over white primer without any pre-shading. The results came out okay, but I did end up doing a lot of touch up and drybrushing with traditional paints after the Speedpaint had dried. I don’t know that I’ll ever be able to do a model using only the Speedpaint method, but they’re good to have in my toolbox — if nothing else, they’re great as highly pigmented washes.

What have they been feeding that wolf?

2024 models painted so far: 132, for 5 different games

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