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To Boldly Go Where no Schlock Has Gone Before!

To Boldly Go Where no Schlock Has Gone Before!

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USSS Explorer Corp - Part 1

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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The USSS Explorer Corp is one of the two factions provided in the core box and I decided to start with it, as it appealed to the old Trekky in me. I planned the color schemes around a landing party and thus wanted to represent most of the Explorer Corp divisions in it, for old school SciFi flavor.

First, I had to come up with said schemes and I designed them as follows:

  • Command – Red and black
  • Security – Red
  • Science and Medicine – Blue
  • Engineering – Yellow
  • Communication – Green

All pants, belts and boots – Black

All assembled and primed, ready to paint.All assembled and primed, ready to paint.

So as to make following up the painting process easier, I am going to list the paints used below as a group before showing the end results.

  • Command – Red and black (see Security and Pants below)
  • Security – GW Contrast Blood Angel Red – Highlights: GW Evil Sunz Scarlet
  • Science and Medicine – GW Contrast  Ultramarine Blue – GW Oeth Blue
  • Engineering – GW Contrast IyandenYellow Highlights : GW Yriel Yellow
  • Communication – GW Contrast Ork Flesh – Highlights: GW Moot Green

Al white uniforms areas : GW Contrast Apothecary White – Highlight: Any flat white.

Pants, Belts and Guns: GW Contrast Black Templars – Highlights: drybrush GW Eshin Grey and Dawnstone

Boots – GW Contrast Black Legion – Highlights : drybrush GW Dark Reaper and Thunderhawk Blue

Captain Kurt

Commander Nico

Security Personnel

Security Personnel

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