Tales of a hobby butterfly
Now I blame Gerry and John
I had tried my best not to start another game system but the 0200 hours bug has bitten me.
I had seen it, tempting me at salute but I managed to stay strong, but then the let’s play between John and Gerry got me thinking maybe I should give it a go.
Bam With some cutting gluing and greenstuff I came up with these dapper chaps.
I have some ork bombers that will be perfect for these chaps to destroy under the cover of darkness, so will have to knock up some terrain
But I suppose the next step is to make some enemies, I’m thinking squigs would be cool instead of guard dogs.
I have loads of bolt action german bits so I guess I’m gonna have to find some more goblin heads.
Love it when a plan comes together.
I suppose I should probably read the rulebook now and create a plan of what I need to build before I get waylaid by an other shiny project
Greenskins get everywhere!
Bam ? Waaaargh for the win