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IDF - Sho´t tank company

IDF - Sho´t tank company

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Sho´t Part 4

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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While working on the first platoon of tanks I encountered some issues with the varnish/ oil wash nearly ruining some of my tanks. So instead of just pinwashing and removing the excess with white spirit making this a fast and easy process I had to alter my workflow here putting me way behind scedule.

While I painted alot of Dystopian Wars ships in the meantime I came to the conclusion that I had to apply a “pinwash” by brush quiet carefully. This results in a fiddly blacklining process.

Sho´t Part 4

However the Sho´t are now in the final stages. They just need some dust and metal effects on the tracks, teir tank commanders and maybe some flags.

But at least I found the time to play some games with these tanks. They dont hold up quiet well against bigger MBT but the extra protetion against rockets saved alot of them.

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