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2024 Painting Log

2024 Painting Log

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Fafnir is a big fella

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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Fafnir is a big fella

Returning to Mythic Battles: Ragnarök, here we have the great Fafnir, a giant of a miniature who looks great and was a joy to paint. I did a black primer as usual, basecoated the ice in a grey-blue (Reaper Paints Ash Blue if you’re keeping track), then did nearly all the rest with drybrushing. At the very end I filled in his helmet (or whatever that is) and jewelry in gold and gave it a quick strong tone wash. Very quick but I think the results are pretty good.

Fafnir is a big fella

Next we have Hel, goddess of the dead, along with some Oathbreakers and Berserkers. The groups of troop figures can be a little tedious, but these weren’t too bad and went pretty quickly. The Oathbreakers were done the same way as Fafnir, with just black primer and a bit of drybrushing. The goal is to match the game artwork as closely as possible, and the art for these is pretty dark. The Berserkers were a bit more fun, but also done with what amounts to a drybrushed base coat, then picking out a few details like skin and weapons with regular paint, then doing a wash over those to bring out the details. I finished them off with a drybrush of reddish-brown along the front of each figure, just to differentiate the human figures’ tone from that of the bear skin they’re wearing.

2024 models painted so far: 121, for 5 different games

Next up I’ll be finishing the figures I need to play the next two Ragnarök scenarios: Thor, Fenrir, a group of Seers and a group of Ulfhednar (wolf versions of the Berserkers seen here). After that I think it’ll be back to Star Wars for a while, my pile-up of unpainted Shatterpoint stuff is getting out of control. I’ve also got a fair amount of new stuff for Gangs of Rome. Ah, the curse of the short attention span…

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