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2024 Painting Log

2024 Painting Log

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A brief return to a galaxy far, far away

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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“A long time ago” is pretty vague — it’s at least possible that Star Wars takes place at the same time as the ancient Viking sagas as described in Mythic Battles: Ragnarök. So I’m not straying too far afield by taking a quick break from the legendary Norse to get some Jedi and clones done.

I think The Bad Batch is one of the better of the recent Star Wars streaming shows, so I was happy to see them make their way into Shatterpoint. Their grey armor made them fairly straightforward to paint, just black primer, a few grey drybrushes, and then black speedpaint for the spaces between the armor plates and red and light grey armor accents. Omega took a little more work, but not much since the figure is so small and relatively undetailed.

I’m kind of struggling with the bases more than anything else. My original idea was to do the bases using either speedpaints or washes, in order to avoid having to drybrush and then do cleanup around the models’ feet. but I have found that speedpaints and washes are a little challenging when applied to relatively flat, horizontal surfaces. They tend to pool in ways that don’t look particularly good. I’m going to try to think of something else for the next batch of Shatterpoint miniatures.

I hadn’t originally planned on buying the Plans and Preparations squad pack, as Luminara Unduli & Bariss Offee aren’t particularly interesting to me, and I already have plenty of clone troopers. But I found one on clearance at a local shop, so I thought “why not?” They came out okay but I think my relative lack of enthusiasm for these characters shows through.

Next up for Shatterpoint I have the Luke and Vader sets, as well as the two squad packs from Rebels and the two from The Mandalorian, all of which should be a lot more interesting to paint. Plus I’ve been reading Tommie Soule’s book, so maybe I’ll try to apply some of his philosophy to the next batch.

2024 models painted so far: 111, for 5 different games

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