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Avengers Assembled

Avengers Assembled

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Gwen Pole and Squirrel Girl

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2

As the last two members of my current Avengers build, Gwen Pole and Squirrel Girl offered interesting challenges.

Gwen Pole was perhaps the more challenging miniature of the Avengers faction mostly due to the diversity of her base, and of the tightness of her pose with said base (so many opportunities to ruin the work previously done that I am almost tempted to suggest painting Gwen separately from the base). I also enjoyed giving the ‘exploding’ comics some details and it gives flavor to the scene.

I chose to paint Squirrel Girl in shorts rather than jeans as I flet it matched the wooden base better and gave it a ‘hiking’ feel. For the base, I covered the urban slabs and added grass and fallen leaves for flavor.

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Pierre Gravelathorati0nosebl0wer Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

The internet has commented on Squirrel Girl and I think there is an appeal there. Gwenpool… meh.

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