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Draconis does….  Mars Attacks!

Draconis does…. Mars Attacks!

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Civilians finished

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
No Comments

22nd July 2024

After the bugs and flaming cows it was onto the civilians.

I wasn’t looking forward to these ones tbh. You can tell that they are old sculpts, and for board game pieces. The details are vague, particularly where hands are clasped across the body, and on the faces. I expect a prime coat doesn’t help with that still, but was needed. And on top of that I’m not good with faces….so what could go wrong ?

Civilians finished

So, I decided to just concentrate on them having a clear visual identity of what they were, without having to look too closely.

Laid down some colours on one of them first, and then just ended up finishing her off. I used some thinned black paint to try to add definition, and added some dark wash to the eye sockets and red wash around the lips.

For the rest I worked on most of them at the same time, just leaving the wheelchair lady to the end, as I wasn’t sure on colours.

The boy is clearly an Otter-pup (hopefully the logo shows in some of the pics)…but don’t look at the eyes…. He’s seen too much! I should have just gone with wash only.

Finally it was the old lady. I opted to try a very basic pattern to emulate a Cornish tartan. Started out with a base of an off yellow, then laid down some blue lines, followed by black lines. I feel it came out ok really.

Then it was finishing the rest of her off, and adding detail to all the bases.

Here they all are:

Civilians finished
Civilians finished

I would say they are ‘adequate’, considering they are replacing cardboard tokens that are only used when certain event cards are drawn.

They represent what they are meant to, and can be identified on the tabletop.

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