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Zoontalis - a story of animals, fantasy, and a new painting style

Zoontalis - a story of animals, fantasy, and a new painting style

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Oblivion - Raven Fighter

This is my first time experimenting with the cartoon or comic style of painting. The first stage is to paint up the figure as normal using bright colours and pushing the highlights.

After that I had an ok painted figure, normally I would stop there but well this is time to push. So onto the dreaded black lining. I have a pot of Windsor and Newton Ink so using a brand new pro art brush I dived in.

So the finished result, I am kind of happy with it , I know it’s not perfect. Did I do too much in picking out each feather on the head. Or have I not done enough. I am overall quite pleased with how it’s come out.. is it the best paint job I have ever done.. certainly not, was it fun , definitely! I still have another 15 figures to practice on so who knows where I will end up.

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