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40K and Sci Fi Projects

40K and Sci Fi Projects

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And so it begins....

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 2
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And so it begins....

Diving into the Horus Heresy and buying the starter box I decided to focus on Dark Angels (though in miniature collecting tradition Space Wolves and Emperors Children are planned as well).

I painted some tactical Marines to nail down my scheme (It’s simple and nothing fancy, just base coat and wash) which I will post soon.

I wanted to differentiate characters. To do this I had a vague Romanish theme. So Sergeants get red motifs (mostly their helmet crests), Paetorians and and any leader/character units will wear The Purple and support characters will get Dark Angel Green or Wraithbone (White) cloaks.

I am using this mini as my Paladin of the Hekatonysis (spelling subject to my memory).

And so it begins....

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