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Tales of a hobby butterfly

Tales of a hobby butterfly

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I blame Ben

Tutoring 6
Skill 7
Idea 7

After watching the weekender with Ben talking about the new age of sigmar .my hobby brain started thinking you know what you should do,you should leave your warhamner quest project half finished and start something else….

So I started with the intent of 3d printing a proxy force, but after a couple of trys and some failed prints (probably levelling) I got the hump and went out for the afternoon and found myself at a games workshop they could tell I was weak and After the barrage of questions about what you play, paint or read somehow I came out with this bundle of fun.So I started with the intent of 3d printing a proxy force, but after a couple of trys and some failed prints (probably levelling) I got the hump and went out for the afternoon and found myself at a games workshop they could tell I was weak and After the barrage of questions about what you play, paint or read somehow I came out with this bundle of fun.
The 69th hamfists now march in the age of Sigmar bam The 69th hamfists now march in the age of Sigmar bam

Having 3d printed most of the new things I paint lately I found it quite nice and relaxing to sit down with a big box of toys, pop some music on crack open a beer and spent a relaxed afternoon and evening building these chaps ready to march to battle on the tabletop.

They were painted with army painter speedpaints which as advertised are definatly speedy.

Undercoated corax white then painted the block red yellow and black and skin with speedpaint.

Once this had dried they got a tickling with the drybrush with a bone paint followed by a wash of army painter strong tone.

A quick splash of ultra matt varnish followed by the mettalic bits painted with quick paint job done.

I came back a bit later and added some transfers and some mud effects using ak starship wash on there legs and the base of the sheild kind of want the effect of the poor humans struggling and  trudging on  through the mud to there  doom or maybe glory.

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Cult of Games Member

Always blame Ben or Lloyd or Gerry.

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