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The Emerald Court Under Heaven

The Emerald Court Under Heaven

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From the writings of sages

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In being subscribed to a service of academic papers I’ve come across an Indonesian work on the character of Ahri from League of Legends¹ and the importance of Korean culture in the creation and design of hee. Despite being short it was pretty convoluted in trying to get to the point of saying “the character designers took the native culture to mind when doing the work and modified as possible for game mechanics/playable intent”. It was published in English and was still mostly comprehensible with only minor issues with language.

The take away seems to be that academics are giving credit to people researching culture for their work. It feels good to get some vindication for my efforts in this regard in the field of tabletop wargaming miniatures.

I might have to bother some videogame character designers since my own effort to reach out to Korean artists is meeting with no success. Considering that videogames have a bigger appeal it seems a better idea. Thebworld of 1s and 0s might once more help me to make physical media, this time to atleast get the idea sketched out.

¹Korean Myth and Folklore On Game Character Design, I. F. Toha and Y. A.  Ekawardhani, International Conference on Business Economics, Social Sciences & Humanities, 2020

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