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The Final Push - Lawnor approaches 100% painted

The Final Push - Lawnor approaches 100% painted

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92 MTG: Frogdog

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Models remaining:
: 0, Normal: 23, Luxury: 13, Modular: 56, Bits Box: 3, Terrain sets: 13, To Ship: ATO Wave 2, TSoH, KDM
Models Finished in Collection: 3016 Models since start of project: 702 out of 63 completed and still not done!

I got the Frogdog finished this week.  I also got everything else primed, and an airbrush base coat.  I have a painting averse friend who plays Godtear with me so I offered to paint his warbands that match the ones I’m painting.  It shouldn’t take much longer to paint 2 identical warbands at the same time.  I also painted 5 double sided tokens, as they were hard to read when they were bare plastic. This means I put at least a basecoat on 60 subassemblies and 5 tokens this weekend.

5 double sided turn tracker / VP scoring tokens for Godtear5 double sided turn tracker / VP scoring tokens for Godtear
60 sub assemblies, primed and base coated60 sub assemblies, primed and base coated
I've started work on 2 copies of the Skullbreaker warband for godtearI've started work on 2 copies of the Skullbreaker warband for godtear
My P3 paint pots have a bad habit of having their lids crack and the paint drying up.  I am slowly transferring them over to dropper bottles.  Turns out toilet roll tubes are great for supporting slow draining paint pots in small funnels.  Here's the set I bought.  I went with 30ml bottles.  The 20 pack includes 4 funnels. P3 paint pots have a bad habit of having their lids crack and the paint drying up. I am slowly transferring them over to dropper bottles. Turns out toilet roll tubes are great for supporting slow draining paint pots in small funnels. Here's the set I bought. I went with 30ml bottles. The 20 pack includes 4 funnels.
My recent work in this project won a Golden Button 2 weekends ago on july 7th 2024.  Yay me!  Here's the video: (Starts at 40m40s)My recent work in this project won a Golden Button 2 weekends ago on july 7th 2024. Yay me! Here's the video: (Starts at 40m40s)

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