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A Brave New World

A Brave New World

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A Storm is Coming Conclusion.

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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A Storm is Coming Conclusion.

Just thought I would share how our little campaign is progressing.   At the end of a scenario there may be a decision or two to make   This I have thrust firmly into the hands of Adam and Tarron and I will just go with what they choose.  I have chosen this route as it kind of gives some of the direction to them rather than me dictating each game and also means that it will be a surprise when they decide what to do as I will then have to make up the terrain and dress the table.


A Storm is Coming Conclusion.

With the Raiders camp taken care of, news of your victory travels fast and it’s not long before the names of Pesto Gravy, Hyper and the other one who no one can seem to agree on the name of are on the lips of local traders.

Realising that without adequate means to defend themselves, it won’t be long before news of your escapade reaches the ears of other hostile gangs and once again Benny and his Brahmin will be at risk again.

Feeling for the young settlement that has already endured so much in the short time you have known them, and seeing the desperate look in their eyes you are left with a few options.


Option 1:

Wish the settlement luck and hope that they can go it alone.

Outcome:  No risk, no reward.


Option 2:

With little to defend themselves with, you give up two firearms (either pistols, rifles, heavy weapons or any combination of them)

Outcome:  The settlement is very grateful for the aid, welcomes you as a trusted trading companion and shares some important local knowledge.

Increase base trading post by 1 level and start the next mission with 2 boost cards.


Option 3:

Taking pity on the settlement and knowing that you can always find more you decide to give them some serious firepower to help keep the trade routes open. Give up two firearms (either rifles or heavy weapons or a combination of the two)

Outcome:  The settlement is incredibly grateful for your heroic gesture and your name becomes the talk of the town.  Permanently gain the ‘Heroic’ trait for the party leader and increase base trading post by 1 level.

A Storm is Coming Conclusion.



Available Missions.


Live Broadcast

Radio Tower 3SM-U81 is not too far away from here, and those synths were heading in its direction.  They sure weren’t going there to listen to music.  Regardless the boosters and receivers would sure come in handy for the settlement and maybe enable us to boost the frequency of the broadcasts and attract some new blood to our camp.


Retrieve essential radio equipment from the broadcasting station and find out what the synths are up to.


Add a Ranger outpost to the settlement (resolve 1 explore card for free each settlement phase)


Soldier Soldier

After the war, many abandoned military checkpoints and conveys were scattered throughout the wasteland.  As it happens there is talk of one such place not too far away and rumour has it that grumpy old Corporal Hudson is guarding it for a reason.


Find a way into the military complex and recover military hardware to bolster the strength of the settlement.


Select specialist military equipment


The Big Boy

Rumours of a mini-nuke stash are circulating the wasteland.  The destructive power of such a weapon is almost unmatched.  Super Mutants have swarmed the area in search of this prized item.


Find and recover the mini-nukes and escape with as many as possible.


Reward: Mini-nukes (value 300 caps each)


Boulevard of Broken Dreams

Bright neon lights once flickered all along the streets that were said to be paved with gold, or so they said to lure the sad and desperate who would spend their hours gambling away a fortune.  Now the strip is a sad and depressing place best long forgotten.  Nature has started to crawl back over the bright lights and arcade machines.  But where gamblers once trod there is loot a-plenty to be had and a pawn shop just brimming with shiny things.


Search the buildings and loot as much as possible before getting overwhelmed.


Lots of Loot to be had.

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