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Lidl Mystery Aisle

Lidl Mystery Aisle

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Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
I made 6 of these. I suppose I could have made less as there can't be too many scenarios I need these for. I also imagine I need to make their initial attack quite brutal, but perhaps be slightly vulnerable once they are out of the ground for too long?I made 6 of these. I suppose I could have made less as there can't be too many scenarios I need these for. I also imagine I need to make their initial attack quite brutal, but perhaps be slightly vulnerable once they are out of the ground for too long?
I really like the finished look. There's definitely scope to make more with different basing and maybe tentacles and claws from the jaws to make them fit another genre and be closer to the movie Tremors if I actually emulated that.I really like the finished look. There's definitely scope to make more with different basing and maybe tentacles and claws from the jaws to make them fit another genre and be closer to the movie Tremors if I actually emulated that.
I will have to work out some rules and stats for them. Probably get some cross over as giant worms for Frostgrave.I will have to work out some rules and stats for them. Probably get some cross over as giant worms for Frostgrave.

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Graboids are go and quite fine looking might I add

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