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Lidl Mystery Aisle

Lidl Mystery Aisle

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Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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I finished painting the maws and spear tongues of the beasts. I used some Riekland Fleshshade to give the flesh some depth. I even added some Drakenhof Nightshade at the back of the mouth to again give it more interest and more organic.I finished painting the maws and spear tongues of the beasts. I used some Riekland Fleshshade to give the flesh some depth. I even added some Drakenhof Nightshade at the back of the mouth to again give it more interest and more organic.
Then I used Greenstuff to get the monsters based. The top of the shell is conical and just gluing it down to the base wouldn't look right. I chose a worm-like segmented body.Then I used Greenstuff to get the monsters based. The top of the shell is conical and just gluing it down to the base wouldn't look right. I chose a worm-like segmented body.
I painted the greenstuff with a base of Rakarth Flesh off-white. Then Nulin Oil shade. I tried to copy the markings on the shell with a pure white and then darkened it down with another coat of Nulin Oil.I painted the greenstuff with a base of Rakarth Flesh off-white. Then Nulin Oil shade. I tried to copy the markings on the shell with a pure white and then darkened it down with another coat of Nulin Oil.

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