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Lidl Mystery Aisle

Lidl Mystery Aisle

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Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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The box of The box of "Botanical Floral Decorations" look to be a shell for some kind of nut or seed.
There are some that have opened into 4 segments and lots that have separated into 3. I chose the 3 segment as my subterranean worm-like monsters.There are some that have opened into 4 segments and lots that have separated into 3. I chose the 3 segment as my subterranean worm-like monsters.
I decided to paint the inside as a fleshy maw inspired by the 90's film Tremors. I also chose to add spears as tongues on some. I filed down where the spearhead meets the wooden shaft and any bolts.I decided to paint the inside as a fleshy maw inspired by the 90's film Tremors. I also chose to add spears as tongues on some. I filed down where the spearhead meets the wooden shaft and any bolts.

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