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Out of the forests…

Out of the forests…

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Approach to painting

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 4
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Danngit Gerry! Yet again Gerry’s comments on the Hobby Hangout have given me a kick to change my approach. I was going to just paint this up in my usual style (contrast, drybrushing, greys and muted), but Gerry’s suggestions about playing up the blues in the shadows and using the richer warmer hues elsewhere has forced my hand. Grr!

To that end, I’m going to try a more painty approach to this miniature and base. I’ll be blocking in a lot of deep blues, purples and blacks in the shadows, and then layer up the base tones and highlights.

This is going to be very much a “trust the process” type deal as it is going to spend a lot of time looking very messy.

Approach to painting
Approach to painting

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