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Runestone: Six Gun Ragnarok

Runestone: Six Gun Ragnarok

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Have Rune, Will Travel

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Trait: Runristare

Carving runes takes time, each one must be carefully cut. To cut the runes is not the mere act of inscribing the symbols. It is wrestling eldritch trolldom into shape, binding it’s puissance to form and effect. This arcane ritual cannot be done during a game.

Runes are carved before the game starts, each runic binding is a single use effect. Each model that does not have the Runristare trait may only carry a single rune at a time. Runristare may carry an unlimited number of runes. Using a Rune does not use any of the model’s Actions.

Runes not used during a game remain in the Aett’s cache and can be used in the next game. If a model is knocked Out of Action, regardless of the outcome of the Post Game Out of Action rolls, any runes carried are lost or destroyed.
Each purchase of the Runristare trait allows the carver to inscribe new runes between games.
1 – 3 Runes
X2 – 5 Runes
X3 – 7 Runes

Runristare begin the campaign with three runes.

Have Rune, Will Travel

Fortune’s Blessing
Rune: Fehu (ᚠ)
“For the horse, a good reputation; for the person, a good name.”
Channel the blessings of wealth and prosperity.
Effect: Gain an additional Renown Point at the end of the game in which this rune is carried.

Ursine Vigor
Rune: Uruz (ᚢ)
“Strong is the arm that strikes with courage, bold is the heart that beats with honor.”
Infuse the target with primal strength.
Effect: bearer of this rune gains the Strong trait for this game.

Stout Heart
Rune: Thurisaz (ᚦ)
“Better it is to have a stout heart always than to fret over your luck.”
Call upon Thor’s mighty protection to shield from harm.
Effect: Force an opponent to re-roll 1 dice.

Wisdom’s Insight
Rune: Ansuz (ᚨ)
“Know, if you want to be wise, how to live well, that you will never have to doubt in old age, and pay little heed to what fools say.”
Tap into ancient wisdom for strategic advantage.
Effect: Use this rune to Re-Roll any 1 dice.

Hasten The Journey
Rune: Raidho (ᚱ)
“The lame can ride horse, the handless drive cattle; the deaf can fight and do well; better blind than burnt, a corpse is of no use to anyone.”
Swiften the pace of travel, hastening your forces.
Effect: Using this rune allows this model to make 1 addition move action this turn.

Creative Insight
Rune: Kenaz (ᚲ)
“The spark of creation lies within each of us, waiting to be kindled into flame.”
Illuminate the path to innovation and discovery.
Effect: Gain +2 to a Task roll.

Gebo’s Grace
Rune: Gebo (ᚷ)
“They are unduly severe who take no joy in a battle; let the proud man make the first advance, for no man can be called brave who is afraid of himself.”
Feel the glowing rush of the Raven’s Feast, bolstering morale.
Effect: Remove all Shock markers from this model.

Banner of Victory
Rune: Wunjo (ᚹ)
“Raising his banner called Landøyðan, and there so strong an attack was made by him that nothing held against it”
The rune glows with a potent aura of victory
Effect: All friendly units within 12 inches remove 1 Shock marker.

“Storm-runes know well, if thou wilt calm the wrathful sea…”
Rune: Hagalaz (ᚺ)
The skies open with a torrential down pour, the churning mud makes for treacherous footing
Effect: place three Blast 3 templates on the ground, marking areas of difficult terrain. These remains for the rest of the game.

Whispering Shadows
Rune: Nauthiz (ᚾ)
“Grettir stood alone on the frozen ground when he heard whispering voices in the wind, sounds that came like breath from distant worlds.”
Whispers of ancient evils fills the air, and chills the bone
Effect: Target suffers -1 to their next attack roll this round. This is a -2 at night or in low-light conditions.

Rune: Isa (ᛁ)
“..then become so cold that he could not move because of the frost, and he greatly dreaded these days.”
Envelop the enemy in biting cold, slowing their movements.
Effect: Target suffers -3” to their next Move action this turn.

Greed’s Folly
Rune: Jera (ᛃ)
“For the proud and greedy man, even if he gains wealth, is rarely wise who has riches.”
Wealth and wisdom are unrelated attributes.
Effect: Remove 2 Renown Points from an opponent.

Nastrond’s Feast
Rune: Eihwaz (ᛇ)
“A tree without branches does not grow, but a tree without roots cannot stand.”
Uproot an opponent, knocking them to the ground.
Effect: Target is knocked prone.

Rune: Perthro (ᛈ)
“And Eirik took to his gambling, and Snorri the Priest and Thorbrand joined him. The game brought little profit. Thorarin the Good won much from him.”
Maybe you’ll have better luck next time.
Effect: Re-roll any one die roll this turn.

Guardian’s Ward
Rune: Algiz (ᛉ)
“Stoutness is good if it comes to a fight, but a shield is better for those who lack stoutness.”
Summon forth a protective barrier against enemy attacks.
Effect: This model ignores the first Wound it receives.

Solar Radiance
Rune: Sowilo (ᛊ)
“Sun it is called among men, but Shine among the gods.”
Harness the power of the sun to illuminate and empower.
Effect: Place a Blast 5 marker within 12” and line of sight of the model. For the remainder of the game this area is fully lit as though it was High Noon. Models with the Sun Blind trait receive 1 Shock marker for being inside the area of effect.

Rune: Tiwaz (ᛏ)
“Then the friends of Eysteinn said that Irpa Haiminsdóttir, had granted them victory.”
The war force of the Tyr unleashed, granting unmatched skill in battle.
Effect: Gain +2 to attack rolls until the end of the turn.

Rune: Berkano (ᛒ)
I shall not live long, but still I will be reborn, and soon I will be happy again, where once I was wise.
Recover from your injuries with ease
Effects: If this model is knock Out of Action this game, they make a full recovery.

Equine Swiftness
Rune: Ehwaz (ᛖ)
Swifter than a horse’s gallop are the runes in Fimbulþulr’s mouth
Unleash the speed of the steed, swift as the wind.
Effect: Your Move actions are 8” this turn.

Kinship’s Strength
Rune: Mannaz (ᛗ)
“Mankind is the augmentation and foundation of the world, the mightiest of mankind and the greatest of treasures.”
Unite in strength, drawing upon the collective will.
Effect: All friendly Humans within 6” gain +1 to their Close Combat rolls until the end of the turn.

River’s Flow
Rune: Laguz (ᛚ)
“One is called Fjolnir; He is mightiest of all rivers.”
Embrace the fluidity of movement, adapting to the current.
Effect: Ignore all terrain penalties this turn

Yngvi’s Line
Rune: Ingwaz (ᛜ)
“Lo, there do I see the line of my people, back to the beginning”
The Ynglings go ever unbroken from the beginning, to the very end.
Effect: Heal 3 wounds

Rune: Dagaz (ᛞ)
Day, the bright light of the gods; it is a joy and hope for men, a source of good health.
Dawn is an auspicious time, Vaettir fear the transition from night to day
Effect: Vaettir may not attack you this turn.

Yggdrasil’s Roots
Rune: Othala (ᛟ)
“Yggdrasil’s roots bind all realms, offering sanctuary and strength to those who stand beneath its branches.”
Invoke the ancient tree’s protection, anchoring yourself to the earth.
Effect: You can not be pushed or knocked prone for the rest of the turn.

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