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Badgering a Normie

Badgering a Normie

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Warbases Rivers

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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I’m a big fan of Warbases stuff; most of my armies are on their bases, the terrain kits are great quality and value for money and I own a lot of the miniatures that they carry. They are usually my biggest spending visit at the annual wargaming show I go to.

They have river sections in various versions but they do a starter bundle which is one sheet of each type for £12.50. For some reason I have two of these sets in the stash – do you like the way I say “some reason” as though I don’t know it if because I forget what I buy and never bother to check before spending more money? Anyway, I got one of the sets out and decided to get them painted up.

  • Now if I was being more thorough I would have bevelled the edges before doing anything but this is my low effort river set… the lazy river you might say.
  • A coat of shellac over each section, front and back to seal everything up. If I has been going in with heavy pva on the next stage I would probably have done two coats but I knew that the terrain paste I was using wasn’t as watery
  • Build up the banks with AK Interacive terrain paste, I used one of the desert sand ones because I have loads of it but it doesn’t really matter, it’s all getting painted over
  • A few sections got an extra treat of some small pebbles glued down to act as fording points. If I had been taking my time a bit more, I’d likely have added in different sizes of stones across all the bases for visual interest. As it is, the stuff I used is the larger bits of the bird sand that I bought years ago for basing and sifted.
  • Spray primed TTCombat Laser Burn Brown at the same time as everything in the last post.
  • Dry brush with a couple of paler browns for the banks and over the river bed in case I missed in the next step
  • Painting the water up, I wanted a clean looking river. Mid blue at the edges, wet blending into a darker blue and then almost black in the very centre of the river to mimic deeper water. A few little sections of green to look a little like river weed under the surface.
  • Once everything was dry I gave the river a coat of gloss varnish. Yes, modpodge and empty airbrushes make more realist water texture but this need to be done in an hour. Done is better than perfect.
  • The banks got their flock to match the other terrain in the last post, sealed with IPA and watered down PVA and we’re done!

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Cult of Games Member

That is some shiny blue on the edges 8)

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