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Draconis does….  Mars Attacks!

Draconis does…. Mars Attacks!

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Martians finished

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Trying this for a third time now….

11th July 2024

Well last night I managed to get the final parts done on the Martian squads (except basing).

The heads went reasonably well overall.  Using the same technique as on the test model, except I dropped the red wash stage as I feel that did not add much to the end result.

The eyes… well, some went ok and others not so okay….

Martians finished

I tried to paint the teeth on some of them, but a combination of aging eyes, aging hands, and general lack of precision meant that only a few came out at all reasonably ?

I also added the red ‘lights’ (maybe?) on the front of the armour, and green yellow and red lights to the handle end of all the guns.

But, here are the two squads all finished up and with their plastic domes glued on.

Martians finished

Next up it will be the minis that will replace the tokens (for random events) in the core game. Civilians, some bugs, flaming cows and a wrecked car.

Martians finished

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