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Runestone: Six Gun Ragnarok

Runestone: Six Gun Ragnarok

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Have Rune, Will Travel

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Trait: Galdrakarl
Casting a Galdr requires the model to speak, chant, sing, etc, loud and clear. Models that attempt to cast a Galdr immediately lose any benefits of Creeping or Hiding, as they bellow the words of power, drawing attention to themselves.

Each subsequent taking of the Galdrakarl trait reduces the difficulty of speaking the words of power and increases the number of spells available per game. Spells can be cast multiple times, but the spells available to choose for each game is limited by the number of times the Galdrakarl trait has been taken.
1 – Hard Task, 2 spells per game
x2 – Regular Task, 3 spells per game
x3 – Easy Task, 4 spells per game

Have Rune, Will Travel

“A countenance of terror I bore up before all folk'”
– Völsunga saga, Chapter 18
Invoking the terrible power of the Helm of Awe, this chant instills fear and trepidation in the hearts of enemies, leaving them vulnerable to onslaught.
Actions: 2
Effect: Choose a target within line of sight. That target gains 1 Shock.

Auð’s Wisdom
Auð the Deep-Minded was wise beyond measure, guiding her people through dark times with her insight.
– Laxdæla saga
Tapping into the profound wisdom of Auðr the Deep-Minded, this lay grants clarity and guidance, allowing allies to see through deception and act with precision.
Actions: 1
Effect: Choose a friendly model within 6”. Until the start of your next turn, that model sees through illusions, and cannot be mesmerized, tricked, or deceived.

Blood Song
“Egil recited the incantation, and blood flowed as freely as his words.”
– Egils saga Skallagrímssonar,Chapter 44
Drawing upon the dark and powerful curses, this incantation unleashes a torrent of destructive energy, cutting through flesh with ease.
Actions: 2
Effect: Choose a target within line of sight. That target suffers 1 Wound.

Fafnir’s Bane
“With a thrust to the heart, Sigurd became Fafnir’s bane, ending the dragon’s terror.”
– Völsunga saga, Chapter 18
Channeling the legendary feat of Sigurd, this recitation imbues a attack with the power to pierce through the toughest of defenses, ensuring the shot finds its mark.
Actions: 1
Effect: Your next attack action ignores armor.

Freyja’s Call
“Where Freyja decrees who shall have seats in the hall.”
– Grímnismál
Embracing the power of Freyja, this cry fills allies with courage and vigor, inspiring them to fight fiercely and without fear.
Actions: 1
Effect: All allies within 6” remove 1 shock.

Frigg’s Embrace
“she is established as keeper over those men whom Frigg desires to preserve from any danger”
– Gylfaginning, p.47
Drawing upon the protective embrace of the queen of Asgard, this song shields allies from harm, granting them resilience against enemy attacks.
Actions: 1
Effect: Choose a friendly model within 6”. That model gains Light Armor until their next activation.

Gullinbursti Charge
“Battle-skilled Freyr rides first to the funeral pyre of the son of Óðinn on the boar bristled with gold”
– Húsdrápa , Stanza 7
Channeling the swift power of Gullinbursti, the golden boar, this intonation propels the caster forward with unstoppable force, crashing into enemies and leaving devastation in their wake.
Actions: 2
Effect: This model moves 6” in a straight line, all models within 2” of this model as it moves along it’s path are knocked prone.

“when the Wolf lashed out, the fetter became hardened; and the more he struggled against it, the tighter the band was..”
– Gylfaginning , chapter 34
Invoking the impossible fetter, this dirge ensnares an enemy in spectral bonds, rendering them immobile and vulnerable to attack.
Actions: 1
Effect: Choose a target in line of sight, and within 8”. That model cannot make a move action this turn.

Heimdall’s Vigil
“How should one periphrase Heimdallr? By calling him Son of Nine Mothers, or Watchman of the Gods”
– Skáldskaparmál, Chapter 8
Channeling the ever-watchful gaze of Heimdall, this call heightens the senses of allies, allowing them to perceive threats from afar and react with lightning speed.
Actions: 1
Effect: Choose a friendly model within 6 inches. Until that model’s next activation they gain the Dodge trait (Core Rule Book p.26)

Iðunn’s Rejuvenation
“But the Æsir became straitened at the disappearance of Idunn, and speedily they became hoary and old”
– Skáldskaparmál, Chapter 1
Drawing on the life-giving power of Idunn’s apples, this verse heals allies, mending their wounds and restoring their strength.
Actions: 1
Effect: Choose a friendly model within 6”. That model recovers 1 Wound.

Skathi’s Frost
“Skadi, the daughter of the giant Thjazi, took helm and birnie and all weapons of war and proceeded to Ásgard, to avenge her father”
– Skáldskaparmál, Chapter 56
Calling upon the chill of the winter goddess, this hymn blankets the battlefield in ice and frost, hindering the movement of foes and slowing their advance.
Actions: 2
Effect: Choose a 3” diameter area within line of sight. For the remainder of the game that area is blanketed in treacherous ice, all movement through that area is halved.

Skuld’s Foresight
“Laws they made there, and life allotted
To the sons of men, and set their fates.”
– Völuspá, Stanza 20
Calling upon Skuld, the Norn who governs the future, this wailing chant grants the caster deep insight into the future, revealing what is hidden.
Actions: 2
Effect: At the start of your next turn, draw 1 extra card, and then discard a card of your choosing.

Thor’s Hammer
“Louder than a wolf thou cryest, If a blow of my hammer thou hast.”
– Hárbarðsljóð, Stanza 47
Unleashing the mighty wrath of Thor, this cry brings forth a thunderous strike that devastates enemies.
Actions: 2
Effect: Choose a point within 12” and line of sight. Place a Blast 3 template over that point. Any figures (not base) at least half under the template is hit by the blast. Roll on the Wound chart for each.

Tyrfing’s Touch
“It could never be held unsheathed without being the death of a man.”
– Hervarar Saga og Heiðreks
Invoking the malevolent power of Tyrfing, this invocation curses the enemy, ensuring their doom with an unerring strike.
Actions: 2
Effect: Choose a target within 8” until that model’s next activation, all wound rolls made against them gain +1

Víðarr’s Vengeance
“And this shall Viðar avenge”
– Vafthrúdnismál, Stanza 53
Channeling the silent strength of Víðarr, this spell delivers a powerful blow to those who have wronged the caster.
Actions: 2
Effect: Choose a target within 12” and line of sight. That target suffers 1 Wound, if it has previously wounded any of your models this turn.

Have Rune, Will Travel
Have Rune, Will Travel

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