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Squad 1, Platoon 3, 1st Company of the 107th Infantry Regiment of the 39th Orvieto Infanty Division

Squad 1, Platoon 3, 1st Company of the 107th Infantry Regiment of the 39th Orvieto Infanty Division

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Just got this box and quickly putting together my squad. Hoo boy is that book written interestingly. After some careful reading, I need a leader and NCO with sub machine guns, a light machine gunner with an assistant, and another 11 squaddies for the unit. About half done, I started on the LMGunner before calling it for the night. Gonna try to just do this fast and dirty.Just got this box and quickly putting together my squad. Hoo boy is that book written interestingly. After some careful reading, I need a leader and NCO with sub machine guns, a light machine gunner with an assistant, and another 11 squaddies for the unit. About half done, I started on the LMGunner before calling it for the night. Gonna try to just do this fast and dirty.

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