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Runestone: Six Gun Ragnarok

Runestone: Six Gun Ragnarok

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Have Rune, Will Travel

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In the vast expanse of The Autumn West, where the sun sets in a blaze of crimson and the wind whispers secrets of old, magic intertwines with the rugged frontier, creating a tapestry of mysticism and adventure. Here, amidst the sprawling plains and towering mountains, where the echoes of the wild west meet the echoes of ancient mythology, a unique blend of enchantment thrives: the symphony of Runamal, Galdr, and Seiðr.

Runamal, the ancient art of runic magic, weaves through the very fabric of this world. Carved into stones and etched into ancient tomes, runes pulsate with power, channeling the essence of creation itself. From the depths of the earth to the far reaches of the heavens, these symbols harness the primal forces of nature, shaping destinies and altering the course of history with but a carving.

Yet, amidst the howling winds and thundering hooves, the words of power resonate with a potent force of their own. Galdr, the magic of incantations and chants, fills the air with a melody of arcane resonance. Through spoken word and song, practitioners wield the very language of creation, commanding fire and ice, life and death, to dance to their will. In the heart of battle or in the quiet solitude of arid plains, the Words of Power echo, carrying with them the promise of both salvation and ruin.

And then, there is Seiðr, the alchemy of the hidden world, where potions brew and elixirs simmer in cauldrons of ancient design. From the healing draughts that mend wounds to the noxious brews that bring forth curses, Seiðr is both art and science, a delicate balance of nature’s bounty and folks’ ingenuity. In the hands of the wise and the cunning, these elixirs hold the key to unlocking the mysteries of life itself, granting strength and resilience to those who dare to seek its secrets.

In The Autumn West, where the boundaries between the mundane and the mythical blur, where the spirits of the land whisper ancient tales of glory and loss, the forces of Runamal, Galdr, and Seiðr converge in a dance as old as time itself. And within this dance lies the promise of untold adventure and boundless possibility, waiting to be discovered by those brave enough to seek it.

Each Aett may include a maximum of One Magic User at the start of the Campaign.


Have Rune, Will Travel

Paths of Magic

There is one Trait for each path of Magic.

Galdr – Galdrakarl
Runamal – Runristare
Seiðr – Seidkona
Each Trait can be taken up to Three Times, granting bonuses detailed in each Path.

The Gandramaestari and Heir to the One-Eyed, traits allow models access to additional Paths of Magic. Note that taking one of these Traits does not convey the Trait for another path, only access to it.

The Renown expenditures to to master a path, much less multiple, are quite steep. The Allfather himself paid dearly for his secret knowledge.

Have Rune, Will Travel

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