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Cowboys vs. Aliens

Cowboys vs. Aliens

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Final Moves

Tutoring 8
Skill 9
Idea 9
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Jebediah Johnson hastens forward and loads two hostages (specimens) onto the saucer.  Jebediah Johnson hastens forward and loads two hostages (specimens) onto the saucer.
Great Eagle and Sees Far take up positions on the high ground as the sole surviving Tin Man staggers away attempting to replace the power pack on his Raygun.  Great Eagle and Sees Far take up positions on the high ground as the sole surviving Tin Man staggers away attempting to replace the power pack on his Raygun.
Running Wolf runs forward and cleaves Bull Ballard in two and rescues one hostage.  Running Wolf runs forward and cleaves Bull Ballard in two and rescues one hostage.
Running Wolf watches helplessly as the false moon rises into the sky with two hostages (specimens) on board. Running Wolf watches helplessly as the false moon rises into the sky with two hostages (specimens) on board.

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