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Cowboys vs. Aliens

Cowboys vs. Aliens

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Time to Cowboy up

Tutoring 7
Skill 8
Idea 8
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Ned Logan sees an opportunity to rush Charlie Prince.  Charlie is a notorious gunslinger but is terrible in a fistfight.  Ned charges in, catches Charlie with a right hook and frees Blue Belle!  Probably going to honeymoon in Australia.  Ned Logan sees an opportunity to rush Charlie Prince. Charlie is a notorious gunslinger but is terrible in a fistfight. Ned charges in, catches Charlie with a right hook and frees Blue Belle! Probably going to honeymoon in Australia.
Ben Wade unloads his pistols at Charley Waite and Charley and Boss Spearman return the favor causing Wade to rethink his approach to life.  Ben Wade unloads his pistols at Charley Waite and Charley and Boss Spearman return the favor causing Wade to rethink his approach to life.

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