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Cowboys vs. Aliens

Cowboys vs. Aliens

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Indian War Party

Tutoring 6
Skill 7
Idea 7
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Ack ack! An alien takes aim and nearly hits Angry Bear.  The Tin Man attempts to stand up but can’t so elects to crawl away.  Ack ack! An alien takes aim and nearly hits Angry Bear. The Tin Man attempts to stand up but can’t so elects to crawl away.
Great Eagle makes a running leap across the sea shouting encouragement to Running Wolf.  Great Eagle makes a running leap across the sea shouting encouragement to Running Wolf.
Running Wolf shakes off the effects of the Tin Man’s magics and cleaves him in two with his tomahawk.  Running Wolf shakes off the effects of the Tin Man’s magics and cleaves him in two with his tomahawk.
Angry Bear shrugs off the near miss and rushes forward to discover that sky demons do indeed bleed when hit with a tomahawk.  Angry Bear shrugs off the near miss and rushes forward to discover that sky demons do indeed bleed when hit with a tomahawk.

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