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Cowboys vs. Aliens

Cowboys vs. Aliens

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First Oil?

Tutoring 7
Skill 8
Idea 8
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One of the Tin Men moves out of cover to close the range with the Indians who are running and dodging through the broken terrain.  He raises his pistol and there’s a brief glow before the Raygun shorts out, the power pack completely drained.  The Indians find the range and begin to pepper him with well placed shots.  He goes down and begins to leak a viscous fluid.  He struggles back to his feet only to be charged by Angry Bear who begins chopping open his chest with a tomahawk.

Down goes the Tin Man! Right into a nest of snakes! The snakes writhe and contort in fear and panic and worm their way into the openings caused by the bullets and the tomahawks.

Down goes the Tin Man as Angry Bear whoops in triumph! Down goes the Tin Man as Angry Bear whoops in triumph!

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