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Cowboys vs. Aliens

Cowboys vs. Aliens

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The Scenario

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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We’re using the Fistful of Lead, Reloaded rules for the scenario Cowboys and Saucermen.  Both are from Wiley Games.  Ben Wade and his gang have been hired to bring specimens to the aliens. The cowboys and Indians are trying to stop them. The hostages have been semi dazed and each bad guy can control up to two at a time. If left unattended they just stand there. However they can be shaken back to their senses by rescuers.

The aliens and their robots have Rayguns with two settings, lethal but inaccurate and stun.  The robots are immune to shock but are so big they’re easier to hit.

The goal for the bad guys is to get as many hostages to the flying saucer as possible before it takes off while the good guys are trying to rescue as many as possible.  The four parties each have one corner of the board as their deployment zone.

The aliens and robots are from Hydra Miniatures from their Retro Raygun range.

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