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Cowboys vs. Aliens

Cowboys vs. Aliens

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Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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“All right men, listen up. Ben Wade and his gang have kidnapped a bunch of townies and have taken them out towards the mesas.  What they plan to do and why they went there is a complete mystery so don’t bother asking.”

Boss Spearman fixed his eyes firmly on Charley Waite, heading off the question he could see was forming.  Charley just leaned back against the wall and crossed his arms in front of his chest.

“I know you’ve all had run ins with Wade’s men and I’ve had more than enough of him.  But I’ve never had cause to go against him until now.  Ain’t right taking folks out in the middle of the night and herding them like cattle.  He’s up to no good and I won’t stand for it. Now I know when you hired on, it was just to punch cattle, but this, this is important.  I ain’t gonna let the likes of Wade to tell me or anyone else to bow down to him like he was a king. Now, who’s with me?”

Charley straightened up, and looked fixedly at Boss Spearman.  “It’s not a question of will I join you.  It’s a question of whether you’re all in. Because this is Ben Wade we’re talking about.  And if he’s involved, there will be killing.  I won’t shy away from it if it’s called for, but I don’t want no man to come who ain’t all in.”

Charley looked around and everyone returned his gaze and nodded in agreement.

They were all in.

The Cowboys.  Apparently in an inverted universe.  Or Australia, take your pick.  The Cowboys. Apparently in an inverted universe. Or Australia, take your pick.

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