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Cowboys vs. Aliens

Cowboys vs. Aliens

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Sky Demons

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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“Sees Far, tell the others what you saw,” said Great Eagle.

Sees Far paused, considering his words.  “I was on the little hill with the small stand of pines when I heard the coyotes go silent.  This was not normal.  I began to look around to see what had silenced them.  Then I saw it, up in the sky, a great silver disk. At first I thought it was the moon, then I realized the moon was already in the sky.  How can there be two moons?”

The others nodded understanding and spoke their heads in agreement.  Great Eagle looked grave but said nothing but gestured for Sees Far to continue.

“I then saw this false moon move rapidly and move beyond the hills towards the mesas.  It then came out of the sky and settled down below the horizon.  I took my rifle and headed out to see what this could be.  I was able to come up and find a good hiding place to see what was happening.  This false moon was on the ground standing on four legs.  A door opened up and green skinned demons came out along with mechanical men.  Great big hulking beasts similar to the white man’s iron horses but these were not made by any white man.”

“But white men were there, evil men, even by the standards of white men, it was Ben Wade and his gang.  They met with the sky demons and talked  I was too far away to hear what was said but the sky demons gave the white men something and they seemed to have agreed to something.  The outlaws then headed into town and the sky demons returned to their false moon.  I followed Wade and his men and I saw them approach townsfolk and touch them with the sky demons magic and the townsfolk became as meek as cubs and did whatever Wade and his men bid.  I came back to tell you this tale but when last I saw, Wade and his men were taking the townsfolk to the sky demons.”

“Of what concern is this to us,?” asked Running Wolf.

Great Eagle gestured for silence.  “There are stories from many generations ago told to me by our elders of these same sky demons from a time long before the arrival of the white man.  I bear the white man no great love but these sky demons abducted our own people and I would not wish that on any human being, even a white one.  And the townspeople are of little concern to us, unlike the cowboys and banditos.  Make ready and prepare yourselves, we raid the sky demons camp.”

Angry Bear just grinned and gripped his tomahawk.


The Indians.  The Indians.

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