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Runestone: Six Gun Ragnarok

Runestone: Six Gun Ragnarok

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Wanted: Draugr or Alive

Tutoring 0
Skill 0
Idea 0
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Negative Traits

Alfvin: You cannot attack Alfar, unless they attack you first.

Anachronist: You cannot use fire arms, or perform any Task that involves modern technology.

Hesitant: You can take no actions during the first turn of a game

Leaky Brain Pan: When this model is activated roll 1d10

  • 1 – Giggles softly, does nothing
    2-3 – uses first action to move in a random direction.
    4-5 – Behaves normally, but Gains 1 Shock at the end of turn
    6-7 – Screams at the top of their lungs, can not hide or creep this turn, otherwise takes actions normally
    8-9 – behaves normally
    10 – may take 3 actions this turn

Moron: “He’s what ya might call ‘Not Real Thinky’” You suffer a -2 on any Task that doesn’t involve brute force.

Sun Blind: You can only see 12” during the day or other bright light conditions.

Wanted: Draugr or Alive
A Troll and his AettA Troll and his Aett

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