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Runestone: Six Gun Ragnarok

Runestone: Six Gun Ragnarok

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Wanted: Draugr or Alive

Tutoring 0
Skill 0
Idea 0
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New Traits

The traits below are designed for use in a long term or ongoing campaign. Many of these traits are not suitable or particularly useful for one-off games.


Bonesaw: If this model is not knocked Out of Action, all other models in the Aett receive -2 on their Post Game Out of Action rolls.

Bounty: Your notoriety gains your Aett 1 RP at the start of each game. Your opponent gains 5 RP if you are knocked Out of Action. If you are knocked Out of Action, you loose this Trait during the Post Game phase.

Einheri: This model was Chosen by the Valkyrie to fight in the Final Battle. In the Post Game chart, this model always re-rolls any result of 10+, unless they were knocked Out of Action by a Jotunn. If this model is knocked Out of Action by a Jotunn, they receive +3 to their Post Game roll (see page 39, Core Rule Book).

Fire in the Hole!: After determining the placement of a blast template for a thrown explosive (see Grenades, p.33 Core Rule Book), you may re-position the template in any direction by 1” (This trait can be taken multiple times, each time increasing the re-positioning distance by 1”)

Galdrakarl: You are a practitioner of Galdr. See: Have Rune, Will Travel! (Fem. Galdrakona)

Gandramaestari: This model may purchase a second magical path trait.

*Hrafnskald: Huginn & Muninn sing to you all that is and all that was. Once per game, after the cards are dealt but before any are played, you may “memorize” 2 cards in your hand, and be dealt those same cards again in the next turn.

Wanted: Draugr or Alive

Heir to the One-Eyed: This model may purchase a third magical path trait.

Kyrth:  You are resistant to all forms of magic. Any magic that targets you suffers a -1 on its Casting roll.

Negotiable Affection: This model has another career, one that brings with it inside information, unique opportunities, and various means. Once per game this model may trade any face card currently in the players hand for any other face card, including those in another players hand.

Myrkrsyni: your posses “The Dark Sight”. You suffer no penalties or limitations for Night time or other low light conditions, but you gain the Sun Blind negative trait as well.

Prospector: You find flecks and the occasional nugget and are happy to share in your fortunes. Your Aett gains 1 RP at the start of every game.

Rimthursar: You share some line of ancestry with the Frost Giants of legend. You suffer no ill effects of weather.

Runristare: You are a practitioner of the Runamal. See: Have Rune, Will Travel!

Seidkona: You are a practitioner of the Seiðr. SSee: Have Rune, Will Travel! (Masc. Seidmathr)

Vaettabani: you gain +1 on wound rolls against Vaettr.

Veika: you are highly susceptible to magic. Any magic that targets you receives a +1 bonus on its Casting roll.

Wanted: Draugr or Alive

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