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Runestone: Six Gun Ragnarok

Runestone: Six Gun Ragnarok

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Aesir & Eights

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The homeworld of Dvergar, Troll, and Skroggar. It is a sunless world rich with precious stones and minerals. Trolldom reflects from the glittering gold and uncut gems casting the landscape in unsettling hues. Those Men and Dvergar that reside in Myrkheim begin to take on the appearance of a aging corpse, milky-eyed and blued flesh.

Terrain for games in Myrkheim should include lots of gems and crystals, cavern or cave terrain would be quite suitable.

Aesir & Eights

Notable Realms of Myrkheim

Svartalfheim: The Home of Dark Elves, is not dark, nor does it contain any Alfar. This city state is the Grand Bazaar of the Nine Worlds, it is here that one finds goods and wonders from all the realms. In the goblin markets everything can be had for a price.

Nidavellir: The land of the Dvergar. “The Dark Fields”. This is where the great halls, forges and foundries of the Dvergar craftsman can be found. It is here, hidden from all light, that the greatest treasures can be crafted, from a magical sword, to an enchanted revolver that never needs to be reloaded.

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