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Runestone: Six Gun Ragnarok

Runestone: Six Gun Ragnarok

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Aesir & Eights

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The lands of the Jotunar. It is worth noting that what-ever or where-ever the Jotunn homeworld was, it has long ago been shattered, and fractured pieces of it are found throughout the cosmos. There is no easy entry into one of the Jotunheimar, there is always some difficult barrier to cross: a storm tossed sea, treacherous mountain fell, blistering desert, a wild fire, a raging flood river, etc. Here,the lands are truly wild, and untamed. The Giants of the Jotunheimar do not farm, few and far between are their cities. The Jotunheimar are best recognized for their otherness. No matter how mundane the lands might seem to a person from Midgard, there always a sense of otherworldly-ness about the lands.

Terrain for games set in the Jotunheimar might include dense forests, rocky mountain side, or very over-sized buildings.Trees that are out of place, or waterfalls that come from nowhere.

Aesir & Eights

Notable Jotunheimar

Thrymheim: The mighty stone fortress of Skathi, built by her father Thiazi, sits atop a steep craggy mountain, it is best accessed by air.

Utgard: “The Outer City” Utgard is far. No matter where to start from the journey to Utgard is farther than you could hope. If you find yourself in the great city of the Jotunar, you have strayed far, far from your path.

Mimisbrunnr: Mimir’s Well, the waters of knowledge and wisdom. To drink from the well is to gain access to unfathomable secrets. But like all knowledge it may only come with great personal cost. The Allfather, gave up his eye to drink from Mimisbrunnr.

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