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Runestone: Six Gun Ragnarok

Runestone: Six Gun Ragnarok

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Aesir & Eights

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The world of man – earth. This is where most games of the Runestone campaigns take place. It is the Old West, but peppered with Old Norse mythologies. The Ashes of Creation – which in truth are the dying embers of the burning World Tree – have rewritten reality. The usual passage of time ended in 1860 when a comet stuck the earth, in a near-extinction level event. There are those that believe it was merely a comet, and that effects of which are natural, and those who know that it was the flaming sword of the fire giant Surtr, flung from the primordial realm of Muspelheim, and the beginning of the end of all things.

On Midgard, Jotunar who have been affected by the Ashes appear as men of large stature, 6’6” to 7’ tall. Rarely the 12’ or more giants you might find in other worlds. The Alfar become physical beings of beauty and grace, the Dverge look not like bloated corpses, but stoutly built shorter folk.

Because the burning of the World Tree began in Midgard, the effects of the Ashes of Creation are more pronounced. Outsides who enter Midgard tend to quickly conform to the reality of this dying realm, and the inhabitants of Midgard simply incorporate these newcomers into their reality and memories as though they have always been there. It goes beyond simple delusions, reality itself changes backwards though time. History books, and property deeds might one day include references to a Elven Dynasty that from an outside perspective only fled into Midgard last week.

The same cannot be said when a Midgarder, be they native inhabitant or incorporated refugee, travels to another world.

Terrain for games set in Midgard should likely be your normal Wild West terrain, with a few anachronistic scatter pieces like Carved Runestones, dragon head accents on an otherwise normal old west wood buildings, etc.

Aesir & Eights
Aesir & Eights

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