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The Real Arthur Curry (Wappelmania)

The Real Arthur Curry (Wappelmania)

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The Project is Now Complete.

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 5

Hi everyone,

Just finished adding the vegetation to the base, and took several photos to boot.  I am quite happy with this little project and I plan on doing more like it.

The vegetation is basically dried local flora that was given a paint wash and highlighted when dry.  It really looks like coral!

I also used some dried Xmas moss that is sold in bulk and some foam scatter in the cracks and crevices.

It is always a conundrum deciding how much vegetation to put on.  I decide that less was more in this case, as I didn’t want to divert attention from the model.

Added dried plants painted up and some scatter material.Added dried plants painted up and some scatter material.
The Project is Now Complete.
The Project is Now Complete.
The Project is Now Complete.
A side by side comparison of the begining and end result.A side by side comparison of the begining and end result.

That is the end of that.  I will start a similar project from the mountain of stuff that I have stored in boxes.  I just have to decide what to do.  In the meantime, I will continue with my Bronzecast Ogrion army.

Until the next project, have fun and stay safe.


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That’s the lightest Jason Mamoa I’ve EVER seen! ?

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