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Out of the forests…

Out of the forests…

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Designing a diorama base

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 7
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I haven’t done any hobby in such a long time. Been busy with work, life etc and had kinda lost my mojo with so many part completed projects.

But, I wanted to pick up a painting project to ease myself back in and get hobbying again. I’ve recently picked up Ushoran, Mortarch of Delusion from here at the OTT store, for a different conversion project. It comes with a really nice scenic base (which I don’t need):

Designing a diorama base
Designing a diorama base

And it struck me that this was what I needed to help bring out the best of my Minotaur.

So, I’ve also ordered a big door and some columns from the lovely folk at Zealot Miniatures – and I’ll be ready to give this Minotaur the diorama base it deserves.

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