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Gorka paints Age of Sigmar

Gorka paints Age of Sigmar

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Spearhead Roulette

Tutoring 1
Skill 3
Idea 4
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With the new edition of Aos on the horizon, my gaming group decided to start a little challenge and tournament. We are calling it spearhead roulette. All the spearhead boxes get listed on a roulette wheel and each person gets 2 spins. Out of the 2 you decided what spearhead box you will take. No doubling up, so when one box is gone it is off the wheel. After that we have 2 months to build and paint the box for a spearhead tournament. This past Sunday we did our spins. I was blessed by the lord of change and received his disciples.

Spearhead Roulette

After getting back home from the shop I got straight to building. 27 models in this box so I definitely want all the time I can get to paint.

Spearhead Roulette

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gianlucafiorentini123 Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

After seeing your other minis looking forward to seeing what you do with the Tzeentch minis.

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