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Moonstone with not multi award winning painting

Moonstone with not multi award winning painting

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The Commonwealth

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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I have now ‘finished’ the main models that can used for the Commonwealth. I think most need a few touch ups and highlights but all are in a decent position.

I am not going to base them any time soon as I think the black base is fine.  If I get to play with them, I will then probably revisit the basing.

The pictures I have taken aren’t great but do help to show off what I have done.

Moving forward, I am going to either order the Administration of Justice pack or more likely just move onto the Goblins so I have 2  painted factions to choose from.  I also at some stage need to build the Fawns and Shades that I have outstanding.

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